Wednesday, November 3, 2010

techPhile: Using VB keywords as Variables

techPhile: Using VB keywords as Variables

Credits goto : Cody Schouten

Using VB keywords as Variables

In C#, a name of a get/set accessor was not a keyword but in VB.Net it was. No matter what libraries or how many different online code converters I tried, I could not get it to work. I finally resorted to google and found out that you can surround a keyword with brackets ([ ]) and than you can use that keyword however you need. In my case it allowed me to use custom sinks in .NET Remoting. Here's an example:

Dim [New] as String
New = "Blah"

As a very BIG note: Be careful when using it. When you can name something other than a reserved keyword, do so. It can cause many issues if you use this unwisely.

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