Sunday, October 31, 2010

VB .NET, C# Code Converter - Fryan's Digital World

VB .NET, C# Code Converter - Fryan's Digital World

I already had plenty of .NET projects where I use either VB.NET or C# language to write codes. If a client wishes to convert existing VB project to C# or vice-versa then I usually use free VS Studio add-in to do it. But aside from add-ins, there are several web apps that can perform the same task. Here is a list of VB .NET to C# and C# to VB.NET converters I've used in the past.

1. Developer Fusion VB.NET to C#
Convert VB.NET to C# and Vice-Versa

2. KamalPatel.Net - Convert C# to VB .NET. An offline version with full source code is also available for download.

3. Code Translation for .NET (C#-VB.NET)

Take note that all this web apps doesn't make a copy of your sourcode to protect your intellectual right. Everything is processed in the server's memory and returned immediately to the browser.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

mRemote : multi-tab remote connections manager


image mRemote is a full-featured, multi-tab remote connections manager.

It allows you to store all your remote connections in a simple yet powerful interface.

Currently these protocols are supported:

RDP (Remote Desktop)
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
ICA (Independent Computing Architecture)
SSH (Secure Shell)
Telnet (TELecommunication NETwork)
HTTP/S (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Rlogin (Rlogin)


mRemote is a multi-tab, multi-protocol remote connections mananger written mainly in VB.NET and some bits in C# 2.0.

External Programs can be used, for example Dameware :



Free and Open Source, released under the GPL
Panels and tabs allow to group certain connections together, dock them to any side of the window or completely undock them and move them to another screen for example
Multiple supported protocols (RDP, VNC, ICA, SSH, Telnet, RAW, Rlogin and HTTP/S)
Easy to organize and maintain list of connections
Inheritance makes it possible to store properties on folder basis and let the underlying connections inherit this info
Support for importing connections from Active Directory
Allows creating nested containers (folders) to categorize connections
"Quick Connect" feature to quickly open a connection without creating an entry
"Quick Search" feature to quickly find a connection while typing
Support for SCP/SFTP (SSH) file transfers
Assign icons to connections to easily identify purpose
Screenshot manager allows to collect multiple screenshots and save them all together or copy them to the clipboard
View remote session info and log off sessions (RDP)
Auto-Reconnect feature
"Auto-Update" feature
SQL Server support
Show description tooltips when hoovering over connections
System tray icon with connection menu
Fullscreen (Kiosk) mode
Assign global credentials to use when no information is provided on connection basis
Host Up/Down (Ping) feature shows if the selected host answers to a ping

System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows XP
Windows Vista


Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Microsoft Terminal Services Client 6.0
Needed if you use RDP. mstscax.dll and/or msrdp.ocx must be registered.
Needed if you use Telnet, SSH, Rlogin or RAW. Included in all packages.
Citrix ICA Client
Needed if you use ICA. wfica.ocx must be registered.

mRemote was only tested under 32bit environments, so 64bit systems are unsupported but may run mRemote just as usual.

Download mRemote (Change Log)
Downloads are provided in four packages, the setup package, binary package, portable package and the source package.

The setup package is the compiled version of mRemote which comes in the form of a NSIS generated setup. (The common/fastest way to get mRemote up and running)

The portable package consists of the same files as the bin package but contains an modified version of the executable which stores and loads all your settings from files in the application's directory. This package can be used to run mRemote from an USB stick an preserve your configuration wherever you go.

The binary package is a zip package and contains the same files as the setup package but has no automated installer.

The source package is a zip package and contains the mRemote source code.

English Release:

Setup Package

Download V1.50

Portable Package

Download V1.50

Binary Package

Download V1.50

Source Package

Download V0.50

mRemote is released under the GPL (GNU General Public License)


mRemote is released under the GPL (GNU General Public License)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Windows Tip of the Day: Finding the MAC Address of Remote Computer (Advanced)

Windows Tip of the Day: Finding the MAC Address of Remote Computer (Advanced)

Every device on a TCP/IP network has a unique number assigned to it called the MAC (Media Access Control) address. The MAC address is used by the network hardware such as routers, switches, etc. to send traffic from one device to another device on your network.

Your computer uses a service called ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to resolve and track the TCP/IP and MAC address of the remote devices that you're communicating with. This information is handy for doing semi-low level network troubleshooting. It can also be used for granting or denying permissions to a network segment or device on that network.

To determine the MAC address of a remote device:

  • Open the MS-DOS prompt (From the Run... command, type "CMD" and press Enter).
  • Ping a remote device that you want to find the MAC address (for example: PING
  • Type "ARP -A", and press Enter.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\WINDOWS>arp -a

Interface: --- 0x10004
Internet Address Physical Address Type aa-fb-c8-34-da-7a dynamic